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Devki Sejpal

From: Maharashtra

Program: MSc Marketing

Offers received: University of Edinburgh (Finalised), University of Warwick, University of Leeds, Cranfield University (scholarship £4500)

Coming to the University of Edinburgh is a dream that could not have been realised without the support and encouragement of Subodh and Narayani. Planning to study abroad is a series of complicated and tedious tasks that were made extremely simple by TFM, through their one-on-one consultation and mentoring method. My doubts, big or small were answered almost immediately and with great precision. Through the process I not only found two great consultants but also a solid support system, with whom I could share my fears and frustrations that comes along with the process.The comfort level that they create with the students ensures that there is no hesitation in contacting them for even the smallest of questions. Constant reassurance, check-ins, calls and follow ups by them made sure that I completed my process in time and was not overwhelmed by it. Would recommend everyone to make them a part of their study abroad journey!

Devki Sejpal
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